Natural Bioenergetics Level 2 (Health Kinesiology) TBC


NB 2: The Science of NB™

The comprehensive SET™ Correction for BioEnergetic allergy*, tolerance, and detoxification; Energy Corrections for electromagnetic & energy spin imbalances; the use of magnets to speed healing; removal of Tissue Energy Balance; Membrane Configuration Corrections for unblocking the energies of cell membrane receptor sites and enhancing the movement of nutrients through cell membranes; and additional methods for self–testing. The Client–Specified–Issue session structure is introduced. The very extensive Course manual includes illustrations, Resources List, and copies of a number of Dr. Scott’s magazine articles.

*This is not the same as medical allergy testing that looks for antibody reactions.





NB 2: The Science of NB™

The comprehensive SET™ Correction for BioEnergetic allergy*, tolerance, and detoxification; Energy Corrections for electromagnetic & energy spin imbalances; the use of magnets to speed healing; removal of Tissue Energy Balance; Membrane Configuration Corrections for unblocking the energies of cell membrane receptor sites and enhancing the movement of nutrients through cell membranes; and additional methods for self–testing. The Client–Specified–Issue session structure is introduced. The very extensive Course manual includes illustrations, Resources List, and copies of a number of Dr. Scott’s magazine articles.

*This is not the same as medical allergy testing that looks for antibody reactions.


NB 1


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