Natural Bioenergetics Level 1 (Health Kinesiology) – TBC


NB 1: Introducing the NB™ System

NB 1 Energy Techniques: Muscle–testing others and a beginning of self–testing; HK Meridian Energy Balancing and the Body Sequence session structure; the basic NB approach to Psychological Corrections; the BBEI Corrections for eliminating certain primitive fears; the Belief System Elimination technique; Meridian Tracing; an introduction to muscle–testing for the effects of environmental electromagnetism on an individual, and simple tools to reduce those effects, the Adjunctive Activities: work, play, rest, & sleep; the NB™ Tapping Techniques for eliminating BioEnergetic allergies* and helping to enhance tolerance levels. An extensive manual with our own high–quality illustrations is included.

*This is not the same as medical allergy testing that looks for antibody reactions.


NB 1: Introducing the NB™ System

NB 1 Energy Techniques: Muscle–testing others and a beginning of self–testing; NB Meridian Energy Balancing and the Body Sequence session structure; the basic NB approach to Psychological Corrections; the BBEI Corrections for eliminating certain primitive fears; the Belief System Elimination technique; Meridian Tracing; an introduction to muscle–testing for the effects of environmental electromagnetism on an individual, and simple tools to reduce those effects, the Adjunctive Activities: work, play, rest, & sleep; the NB™ Tapping Techniques for eliminating BioEnergetic allergies* and helping to enhance tolerance levels. An extensive manual with our own high–quality illustrations is included.

*This is not the same as medical allergy testing that looks for antibody reactions. *Course manuals are available as digital downloads or a printed version is available at cost.


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